• Joined on 2022-12-27
seigea commented on issue Elara6331/itd#46 2022-12-27 23:01:20 +00:00
FTL Error while running app error="dial unix /tmp/itd/socket: connect: no such file or directory" & Can't compile itgui

ah - with compiling, I didn't realize I needed to download the code first and it wasn't in the deb.

Downloaded the code and ran but still having trouble with the make & make install

I think…

seigea commented on issue Elara6331/itd#46 2022-12-27 22:47:12 +00:00
FTL Error while running app error="dial unix /tmp/itd/socket: connect: no such file or directory" & Can't compile itgui

I did start the deamon with:

systemctl --user start itd

actually this

systemctl enable --now itd

didn't work: "Failed to enable unit: Unit file itd.service does not…

seigea opened issue Elara6331/itd#46 2022-12-27 21:52:11 +00:00
FTL Error while running app error="dial unix /tmp/itd/socket: connect: no such file or directory" & Can't compile itgui