syntax = "proto3"; package lure; option go_package = "/internal/api"; // SORT_BY represents possible things to sort packages by enum SORT_BY { UNSORTED = 0; NAME = 1; REPOSITORY = 2; VERSION = 3; } // FILTER_TYPE represents possible filters for packages enum FILTER_TYPE { NO_FILTER = 0; IN_REPOSITORY = 1; SUPPORTS_ARCH = 2; } // SearchRequest is a request to search for packages message SearchRequest { string query = 1; int64 limit = 2; SORT_BY sort_by = 3; FILTER_TYPE filter_type = 4; optional string filter_value = 5; } // StringList contains a list of strings message StringList { repeated string entries = 1; } // Package represents a LURE package message Package { string name = 1; string repository = 2; string version = 3; int64 release = 4; optional int64 epoch = 5; optional string description = 6; optional string homepage = 7; optional string maintainer = 8; repeated string architectures = 9; repeated string licenses = 10; repeated string provides = 11; repeated string conflicts = 12; repeated string replaces = 13; map depends = 14; map build_depends = 15; } message GetPackageRequest { string name = 1; string repository = 2; } // SearchResponse contains returned packages message SearchResponse { repeated Package packages = 1; } // Web is the LURE Web service service API { // Search searches through LURE packages in the database rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (SearchResponse); // GetPkg gets a single LURE package from the database rpc GetPkg(GetPackageRequest) returns (Package); }