# Usage ## Table of Contents - [Commands](#commands) - [install](#install) - [remove](#remove) - [upgrade](#upgrade) - [info](#info) - [list](#list) - [build](#build) - [addrepo](#addrepo) - [removerepo](#removerepo) - [refresh](#refresh) - [fix](#fix) - [version](#version) - [Environment Variables](#environment-variables) - [LURE_DISTRO](#lure_distro) - [LURE_PKG_FORMAT](#lure_pkg_format) - [LURE_ARM_VARIANT](#lure_arm_variant) --- ## Commands ### install The install command installs a package from the LURE repos. Any packages that aren't found in LURE's repos get forwarded to the system package manager for installation. The package arguments do not have to be exact. LURE will check the `provides` array if an exact match is not found. There is also support for using "%" as a wildcard. If multiple packages are found, you will be prompted to select which you want to install. By default, if a package has already been built, LURE will install the cached package rather than re-build it. Use the `-c` or `--clean` flag to force a re-build. Examples: ```shell lure in itd-bin # only finds itd-bin lure in itd # finds itd-bin and itd-git lure in it% # finds itd-bin, itd-git, and itgui-git lure in -c itd-bin ``` ### remove The remove command is for convenience. All it does is forwards the remove command to the system package manager. Example: ```shell lure rm firefox ``` ### upgrade The upgrade command looks through the packages installed on your system and sees if any of them match LURE repo packages. If they do, their versions are compared using the `rpmvercmp` algorithm. If LURE repos contain a newer version, the package is upgraded. By default, if a package has already been built, LURE will install the cached package rather than re-build it. Use the `-c` or `--clean` flag to force a re-build. Example: ```shell lure up ``` ### info The info command displays information about a package in LURE's repos. The package arguments do not have to be exact. LURE will check the `provides` array if an exact match is not found. There is also support for using "%" as a wildcard. If multiple packages are found, you will be prompted to select which you want to show. Example: ```shell lure info itd-bin # only finds itd-bin lure info itd # finds itd-bin and itd-git lure info it% # finds itd-bin, itd-git, and itgui-git ``` ### list The list command lists all LURE repo packages as well as their versions This command accepts a single optional argument. This argument is a pattern to filter found packages against. The pattern does not have to be exact. LURE will check the `provides` array if an exact match is not found. There is also support for using "%" as a wildcard. There is a `-I` or `--installed` flag that filters out any packages that are not installed on the system Examples: ```shell lure ls # lists all LURE packages lure ls -I # lists all installed packages lure ls i% # lists all packages starting with "i" lure ls %d # lists all packages ending with "d" lure ls -I i% # lists all installed packages that start with "i" ``` ### build The build command builds a package using a `lure.sh` build script in the current directory. The path to the script can be changed with the `-s` flag. Example: ```shell lure build ``` ### addrepo The addrepo command adds a repository to LURE if it doesn't already exist. The `-n` flag sets the name of the repository, and the `-u` flag is the URL to the repository. Both are required. Example: ```shell lure ar -n default -u https://github.com/Arsen6331/lure-repo ``` ### removerepo The removerepo command removes a repository from LURE and deletes its contents if it exists. The `-n` flag specifies the name of the repo to be deleted. Example: ```shell lure rr -n default ``` ### refresh The refresh command pulls all changes from all LURE repos that have changed. Example: ```shell lure ref ``` ### fix The fix command attempts to fix issues with LURE by deleting and rebuilding LURE's cache Example: ```shell lure fix ``` ### version The version command returns the current LURE version and exits Example: ```shell lure version ``` --- ## Environment Variables ### LURE_DISTRO The `LURE_DISTRO` environment variable should be set to the distro for which the package should be built. It tells LURE which overrides to use. Values should be the same as the `ID` field in `/etc/os-release` or `/usr/lib/os-release`. Possible values include: - `arch` - `alpine` - `opensuse` - `debian` ### LURE_PKG_FORMAT The `LURE_PKG_FORMAT` environment variable should be set to the packaging format that should be used. Valid values are: - `archlinux` - `apk` - `rpm` - `deb` ### LURE_ARM_VARIANT The `LURE_ARM_VARIANT` environment variable dictates which ARM variant to build for, if LURE is running on an ARM system. Possible values include: - `arm5` - `arm6` - `arm7` --- ## Cross-packaging for other Distributions You can create packages for different distributions setting the environment variables `LURE_DISTRO` and `LURE_PKG_FORMAT` as mentioned above. Examples: ``` LURE_DISTRO=arch LURE_PKG_FORMAT=archlinux lure build LURE_DISTRO=alpine LURE_PKG_FORMAT=apk lure build LURE_DISTRO=opensuse LURE_PKG_FORMAT=rpm lure build LURE_DISTRO=debian LURE_PKG_FORMAT=deb lure build ``` ---