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2021-08-20 00:41:09 +00:00
package player
import (
// Play uses playerctl to play media
func Play() error {
return exec.Command("playerctl", "play").Run()
// Pause uses playerctl to pause media
func Pause() error {
return exec.Command("playerctl", "pause").Run()
// Next uses playerctl to skip to next media
func Next() error {
return exec.Command("playerctl", "next").Run()
// Prev uses playerctl to skip to previous media
func Prev() error {
return exec.Command("playerctl", "previous").Run()
// Metadata uses playerctl to detect music metadata changes
func Metadata(key string, onChange func(string)) error {
// Execute playerctl command with key and follow flag
cmd := exec.Command("playerctl", "metadata", key, "-F")
// Get stdout pipe
stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
for {
// Read line from command stdout
line, _, err := bufio.NewReader(stdout).ReadLine()
if err == io.EOF {
// Convert line to string
data := string(line)
// If key unknown, return suitable default
if data == "No player could handle this command" || data == "" {
data = "Unknown " + strings.Title(key)
// Run the onChange callback
// Start command asynchronously
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func Status(onChange func(bool)) error {
// Execute playerctl status with follow flag
cmd := exec.Command("playerctl", "status", "-F")
// Get stdout pipe
stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
for {
// Read line from command stdout
line, _, err := bufio.NewReader(stdout).ReadLine()
if err == io.EOF {
// Convert line to string
data := string(line)
// Run the onChange callback
onChange(data == "Playing")
// Start command asynchronously
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func CurrentMetadata(key string) (string, error) {
out, err := exec.Command("playerctl", "metadata", key).Output()
if err != nil {
return "", err
2021-08-23 17:16:03 +00:00
data := string(out)
if data == "No player could handle this command" || data == "" {
data = "Unknown " + strings.Title(key)
return data, nil
2021-08-23 17:16:03 +00:00
func CurrentStatus() (bool, error) {
out, err := exec.Command("playerctl", "status").Output()
if err != nil {
2021-08-23 17:16:03 +00:00
return false, err
2021-08-23 17:16:03 +00:00
data := string(out)
return data == "Playing", nil