# simpledash Simple and fast dashboard with a go backend and a mostly HTML+CSS frontend with a small amount of JS. ### Building Dependencies: - sqlite3 (and sqlite3-dev if on debian/ubuntu) - golang (1.14+) To build, simply run `go build` in the repo. --- ### Configuration Configuration is done in the `simpledash.toml` file. #### Root The root section is the one not under any header. It contains the following fields: - `title`: Title used for whole site - `theme`: Theme used for site, can be light or dark. - `loginRequired`: Boolean denoting whether login is required to see public cards - `allowProxy`: Array containing all sites allowed to be proxied by the integrated HTTP proxy #### Users A user can be added under the `[users]` section like so: ```toml [users] [users.admin] passwordHash = "$2a$10$w00dzQ1PP6nwXLhuzV2pFOUU6m8bcZXtDX3UVxpOYq3fTSwVMqPge" showPublic = true ``` `passwordHash` should be a bcrypt hash of the desired password with a cost of 10 (default) `showPublic` should be a boolean denoting whether public cards should be displayed while signed in #### Cards A card can either be public or belong to a user. A public card should be added under `[users]` like so: ```toml [users] [[users._public_.card]] type = "weather" title = "Weather" data = {"woeid" = "2442047"} ``` A card belonging to a user should be added under that user, like so: ```toml [users.admin] passwordHash = "$2a$10$w00dzQ1PP6nwXLhuzV2pFOUU6m8bcZXtDX3UVxpOYq3fTSwVMqPge" showPublic = true [[users.admin.card]] type = "status" title = "Google" icon = "ion:logo-google" desc = "Google search engine. Status card example." url = "https://www.google.com" ``` The configuration for a card consists of up to six things: - Type: Type of card to display - Title: Title to show above card - Icon: Icon to display on card - Description: Description for card - URL: URL to be used inside card - Data: Extra data for anything not listed Icons can be anything found on [Iconify](https://iconify.design) There are currently five types of cards included: - Simple: Simplest type of card, displays title, icon, description, and URL - Status: Same as simple but also checks and displays status of URL - Collection: A card containing multiple links to different sites. Links provided in data field. - Weather: Display weather using data from Metaweather. Gets location via [WOEIDs](https://nations24.com/world-wide) - API: Gets JSON data from URL and formats according to `format` field in data. At least part of URL must be inside `allowedProxy` array. Examples for each card are included in `simpledash-sample.toml` #### Session The session cookie name can be set under `[session]` like so: ```toml [session] name = "simpledash-session" ```