# Colorette > Easily set the color and style of text in the terminal. - No wonky prototype method-chain API. - Automatic color support detection. - Up to [2x faster](#benchmarks) than alternatives. - [`NO_COLOR`](https://no-color.org) friendly. 👌 Here's the first example to get you started. ```js import { blue, bold, underline } from "colorette" console.log( blue("I'm blue"), bold(blue("da ba dee")), underline(bold(blue("da ba daa"))) ) ``` Here's an example using [template literals](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals). ```js console.log(` There's a ${underline(blue("house"))}, With a ${bold(blue("window"))}, And a ${blue("corvette")} And everything is blue `) ``` Of course, you can nest styles without breaking existing color sequences. ```js console.log(bold(`I'm ${blue(`da ba ${underline("dee")} da ba`)} daa`)) ``` Feeling adventurous? Try the [pipeline operator](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator). ```js console.log("Da ba dee da ba daa" |> blue |> bold) ``` ## Installation ```console npm install colorette ``` ## API ### `