// Set the umask, so that it works the same everywhere. process.umask(parseInt('22', 8)) var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') var fstream = require('fstream') var test = require('tap').test var tar = require('../tar.js') var file = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dir-normalization.tar') var target = path.resolve(__dirname, 'tmp/dir-normalization-test') var ee = 0 var expectEntries = [ { path: 'fixtures/', mode: '755', type: '5', linkpath: '' }, { path: 'fixtures/a/', mode: '755', type: '5', linkpath: '' }, { path: 'fixtures/the-chumbler', mode: '755', type: '2', linkpath: path.resolve(target, 'a/b/c/d/the-chumbler'), }, { path: 'fixtures/a/b/', mode: '755', type: '5', linkpath: '' }, { path: 'fixtures/a/x', mode: '644', type: '0', linkpath: '' }, { path: 'fixtures/a/b/c/', mode: '755', type: '5', linkpath: '' }, { path: 'fixtures/a/b/c/y', mode: '755', type: '2', linkpath: '../../x', } ] var ef = 0 var expectFiles = [ { path: '', mode: '40755', type: 'Directory', depth: 0, linkpath: undefined }, { path: '/fixtures', mode: '40755', type: 'Directory', depth: 1, linkpath: undefined }, { path: '/fixtures/a', mode: '40755', type: 'Directory', depth: 2, linkpath: undefined }, { path: '/fixtures/a/b', mode: '40755', type: 'Directory', depth: 3, linkpath: undefined }, { path: '/fixtures/a/b/c', mode: '40755', type: 'Directory', depth: 4, linkpath: undefined }, { path: '/fixtures/a/b/c/y', mode: '120755', type: 'SymbolicLink', depth: 5, linkpath: '../../x' }, { path: '/fixtures/a/x', mode: '100644', type: 'File', depth: 3, linkpath: undefined }, { path: '/fixtures/the-chumbler', mode: '120755', type: 'SymbolicLink', depth: 2, linkpath: path.resolve(target, 'a/b/c/d/the-chumbler') } ] test('preclean', function (t) { require('rimraf').sync(path.join(__dirname, '/tmp/dir-normalization-test')) t.pass('cleaned!') t.end() }) test('extract test', function (t) { var extract = tar.Extract(target) var inp = fs.createReadStream(file) inp.pipe(extract) extract.on('end', function () { t.equal(ee, expectEntries.length, 'should see ' + expectEntries.length + ' entries') // should get no more entries after end extract.removeAllListeners('entry') extract.on('entry', function (e) { t.fail('Should not get entries after end!') }) next() }) extract.on('entry', function (entry) { var mode = entry.props.mode & (~parseInt('22', 8)) var found = { path: entry.path, mode: mode.toString(8), type: entry.props.type, linkpath: entry.props.linkpath, } var wanted = expectEntries[ee++] t.equivalent(found, wanted, 'tar entry ' + ee + ' ' + (wanted && wanted.path)) }) function next () { var r = fstream.Reader({ path: target, type: 'Directory', sort: 'alpha' }) r.on('ready', function () { foundEntry(r) }) r.on('end', finish) function foundEntry (entry) { var p = entry.path.substr(target.length) var mode = entry.props.mode & (~parseInt('22', 8)) var found = { path: p, mode: mode.toString(8), type: entry.props.type, depth: entry.props.depth, linkpath: entry.props.linkpath } var wanted = expectFiles[ef++] t.equivalent(found, wanted, 'unpacked file ' + ef + ' ' + (wanted && wanted.path)) entry.on('entry', foundEntry) } function finish () { t.equal(ef, expectFiles.length, 'should have ' + ef + ' items') t.end() } } })