
19 lines
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set y to (display-dialog "Hello" with title 12 with type "yesno")
display-dialog "Goodbye" with title 21 with type "error"
do-shell-script "notify-send Test Notification"
do-shell-script {"echo " + (display-dialog {"Test " + "2"} with title 30 with type "entry" with default "text")}
set x to $y
if {3 == 3} {
set x to "hi"
do-shell-script {"echo " + $x}
display-dialog "3 is equal to 3!" with title "New Discovery" with type "info"
if {3 == 4} {
display-dialog "What? Why is 3 equal to 4?" with title "What?!" with type "error"
do-shell-script "echo hi"
2021-03-02 04:18:52 +00:00
repeat 5 times { z in
print $z
2021-03-02 04:18:52 +00:00