# riscv-docker [![status-badge](https://ci.elara.ws/api/badges/51/status.svg)](https://ci.elara.ws/repos/51) This repo contains build scripts for custom docker images that I'm using for my cluster. You can find the containers that are automatically built from these in the [Packages](https://gitea.elara.ws/Elara6331/riscv-docker/packages) section of this repo. The containers are stored on my gitea instance, so you can pull them like this: ```bash docker pull gitea.elara.ws/elara6331/golang:latest ``` Read my article [here](https://www.elara.ws/articles/riscv-cluster)! ### Images - `static`: A base image with just enough files to run static binaries - `busybox`: A base image with the busybox utilities installed - `golang`: An alpine-based image with Go installed - `webserver`: A very simple webserver - `go-import-redirector`: rsc's [go-import-redirector](https://github.com/rsc/go-import-redirector) project - `node`: An alpine-based image with NodeJS and npm installed - `crane`: Google's [crane](https://github.com/google/go-containerregistry/tree/main/cmd/crane) project ### Acknowledgements - [Alpine Linux](https://alpinelinux.org/): The basis of all my images - [ko](https://ko.build/): Used to build light containers with static Go programs - [apko](https://github.com/chainguard-dev/apko): Used to build more complex containers