package main import ( "bytes" _ "embed" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "image" "image/color" "image/png" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" ) //go:embed default.png var defLogo []byte func createTab(window fyne.Window) *fyne.Container { // Create entry field for name of SSB ssbName := widget.NewEntry() ssbName.SetPlaceHolder("App Name") // Create entry field for URL of SSB ssbURL := widget.NewEntry() ssbURL.SetPlaceHolder("App URL") // Create dropdown menu for category in desktop file category := widget.NewSelectEntry([]string{ "AudioVideo", "Audio", "Video", "Development", "Education", "Game", "Graphics", "Network", "Office", "Settings", "System", "Utility", }) category.PlaceHolder = "Category" // Get default logo and decode as png img, err := png.Decode(bytes.NewReader(defLogo)) if err != nil { errDisp(true, err, "Error decoding default logo", window) } // Get canvas image from png defaultIcon := canvas.NewImageFromImage(img) // Create new container for icon with placeholder line iconContainer := container.NewMax(canvas.NewLine(color.Black)) // Set default icon in container setIcon(defaultIcon, iconContainer) // Create image selection dialog selectImg := dialog.NewFileOpen(func(file fyne.URIReadCloser, err error) { // Close file at end of function defer file.Close() if err != nil { errDisp(true, err, "Error opening file", window) } // If no file selected, stop further execution of function if file == nil { return } // Get image from file reader icon := canvas.NewImageFromReader(file, file.URI().Name()) setIcon(icon, iconContainer) }, window) // Create filter constrained to images selectImg.SetFilter(storage.NewMimeTypeFileFilter([]string{"image/*"})) // Create button to use favicon as icon faviconBtn := widget.NewButton("Use favicon", func() { // Attempt to parse URL uri, err := url.ParseRequestURI(ssbURL.Text) if err != nil { errDisp(true, err, "Error parsing URL. Note that the scheme (https://) is required.", window) return } // Attempt to get favicon using DuckDuckGo API res, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("", uri.Host)) if err != nil { errDisp(true, err, "Error getting favicon via DuckDuckGo API", window) return } defer res.Body.Close() // Attempt to decode data as ico file favicon, err := ico.Decode(res.Body) if err != nil { errDisp(true, err, "Error decoding ico file", window) return } // Get new image from decoded data icon := canvas.NewImageFromImage(favicon) setIcon(icon, iconContainer) }) // Create vertical container col := container.NewVBox( category, widget.NewButton("Select icon", selectImg.Show), faviconBtn, ) // Use home directory to get icon path iconDir := filepath.Join(home, ".config", name, "icons") useChrome := widget.NewCheck("Use Chrome (not isolated)", nil) // Create new button that creates SSB createBtn := widget.NewButton("Create", func() { // Attempt to create SSB err := createSSB(ssbName.Text, ssbURL.Text, category.Text, useChrome.Checked, iconContainer.Objects[0].(*canvas.Image).Image) if err != nil { errDisp(true, err, "Error creating SSB", window) } refreshRmBtns(window, iconDir, rmBtns) ssbName.SetText("") ssbURL.SetText("") category.SetText("") useChrome.SetChecked(false) setIcon(defaultIcon, iconContainer) }) // Create new vertical container content := container.New(layout.NewVBoxLayout(), ssbName, ssbURL, // Create dual-column container to house icon and fields container.NewGridWithColumns(2, container.NewVBox( container.NewCenter(widget.NewLabel("Icon")), iconContainer, useChrome, ), col, ), // Add expanding spacer layout.NewSpacer(), createBtn, ) // Return base container return content } func setIcon(img *canvas.Image, logoLayout *fyne.Container) { // Expand image keeping aspect ratio img.FillMode = canvas.ImageFillContain // Set minimum image size to 50x50 img.SetMinSize(fyne.NewSize(50, 50)) // Replace image in layout logoLayout.Objects[0] = img // Refresh layout (update changes) logoLayout.Refresh() } func createSSB(ssbName, uri, category string, useChrome bool, icon image.Image) error { // Parse provided URL for validity _, err := url.ParseRequestURI(uri) if err != nil { return err } // Use home directory to get various paths configDir := filepath.Join(home, ".config", name) iconDir := filepath.Join(configDir, "icons", ssbName) desktopDir := filepath.Join(home, ".local", "share", "applications") // Create paths if nonexistent err = makeDirs(configDir, iconDir, desktopDir) if err != nil { return err } // Get paths to resources iconPath := filepath.Join(iconDir, "icon.png") desktopPath := filepath.Join(desktopDir, ssbName+".desktop") // Create icon file iconFile, err := os.Create(iconPath) if err != nil { return err } // Encode icon as png, writing to file err = png.Encode(iconFile, icon) if err != nil { return err } iconFile.Close() if useChrome { uri += " --chrome" } // Expand desktop file template with provided data desktopStr := fmt.Sprintf(DesktopTemplate, ssbName, iconPath, uri, category, ) // Create new executable desktop file desktopFile, err := os.OpenFile(desktopPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0755) if err != nil { return err } // Copy expanded desktop file template to file _, err = io.Copy(desktopFile, strings.NewReader(desktopStr)) if err != nil { return err } desktopFile.Close() return nil } // Make all directories provided if they do not exist func makeDirs(dirs ...string) error { // For each directory for _, dir := range dirs { // Create directory and parents if required err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755) if err != nil { return err } } return nil }