job "gitea" { region = "global" datacenters = [ "dc1", ] type = "service" group "gitea" { count = 1 network { port "http" { to = 3000 } port "ssh" { static = 2222 to = 22 } } volume "gitea-data" { type = "host" source = "gitea-data" read_only = false } restart { attempts = 5 delay = "30s" } task "app" { driver = "docker" volume_mount { volume = "gitea-data" destination = "/data" read_only = false } config { image = "gitea/gitea:latest" ports = ["ssh", "http"] } env { APP_NAME = "Gitea: Git with a cup of tea" RUN_MODE = "prod" SSH_DOMAIN = "CHANGE ME" SSH_PORT = "$NOMAD_PORT_ssh" ROOT_URL = "" USER_UID = "1002" USER_GID = "1002" GITEA__server__START_SSH_SERVER = "true" } resources { cpu = 200 memory = 512 } service { name = "gitea" port = "http" tags = [ "traefik.enable=true", "traefik.http.routers.gitea.rule=Host(``)", "traefik.http.routers.gitea.tls.certResolver=letsencrypt" ] } } } }