package main import ( "context" "database/sql" _ "embed" "errors" "os/signal" "strings" "syscall" "text/template" "time" "unsafe" "" "" "" "" "" _ "" ) //go:generate sqlc generate //go:embed sql/schema.sql var schema string func openDB(path string) (*sql.DB, error) { db, err := sql.Open("sqlite", path) if err != nil { return nil, err } db.SetMaxOpenConns(1) _, err = db.Exec(schema) return db, err } func main() { configPath := pflag.StringP("config", "c", "./lemmy-reply-bot.toml", "Path to the config file") dbPath := pflag.StringP("db-path", "d", "./replied.db", "Path to the database") dryRun := pflag.BoolP("dry-run", "D", false, "Don't actually send comments, just check for matches") pflag.Parse() ctx := context.Background() ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(ctx, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) defer cancel() cfg, err := loadConfig(*configPath) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error loading config file").Err(err).Send() } db, err := openDB(*dbPath) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error opening reply database").Err(err).Send() } defer db.Close() rs := store.New(db) c, err := lemmy.New(cfg.ConfigFile.Lemmy.InstanceURL) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error creating new Lemmy API client").Err(err).Send() } err = c.ClientLogin(ctx, types.Login{ UsernameOrEmail: cfg.ConfigFile.Lemmy.Account.UserOrEmail, Password: cfg.ConfigFile.Lemmy.Account.Password, }) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error logging in to Lemmy instance").Err(err).Send() } log.Info("Successfully logged in to Lemmy instance").Send() replyCh := make(chan replyJob, 200) if !*dryRun { // Start the reply worker in the background go commentReplyWorker(ctx, c, rs, replyCh) } // Start the comment worker commentWorker(ctx, c, cfg, rs, replyCh) } func commentWorker(ctx context.Context, c *lemmy.Client, cfg Config, rs *store.Queries, replyCh chan<- replyJob) { for { select { case <-time.After(cfg.PollInterval): // Get 50 of the newest comments from Lemmy comments, err := c.Comments(ctx, types.GetComments{ Type: types.NewOptional(types.ListingTypeLocal), Sort: types.NewOptional(types.CommentSortTypeNew), Limit: types.NewOptional[float64](50), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error getting comments").Err(err).Send() continue } for _, c := range comments.Comments { // Skip all non-local comments if !c.Community.Local { continue } edit := false // Try to get comment item from the database item, err := rs.GetItem(ctx, store.GetItemParams{ ID: int64(c.Comment.ID), ItemType: store.Comment, }) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { // If the item doesn't exist, we need to reply to it, // so don't continue or set edit } else if err != nil { log.Warn("Error checking if item exists").Err(err).Send() continue } else if item.UpdatedTime == c.Comment.Updated.ValueOrEmpty().Unix() { // If the item we're checking for exists and hasn't been edited, // we've already replied, so skip it continue } else if item.UpdatedTime != c.Comment.Updated.ValueOrEmpty().Unix() { // If the item exists but has been edited since we replied, // set edit to true so we know to edit it instead of making // a new comment edit = true } for i, reply := range cfg.ConfigFile.Replies { re := cfg.Regexes[reply.Regex] if !re.MatchString(c.Comment.Content) { continue } log.Info("Matched comment body"). Int("reply-index", i). Float64("comment-id", c.Comment.ID). Send() job := replyJob{ CommentID: types.NewOptional(c.Comment.ID), PostID: c.Comment.PostID, } // If edit is set to true, we need to edit the comment, // so set the job's EditID so the reply worker knows which // comment to edit if edit { job.EditID = float64(item.ReplyID) } matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(c.Comment.Content, -1) job.Content, err = executeTmpl(cfg.Tmpls[reply.Regex], TmplContext{ Matches: toSubmatches(matches), Type: "comment", }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while executing template").Err(err).Send() continue } replyCh <- job // Add the reply to the database so we don't reply to it // again if we encounter it again err = rs.AddItem(ctx, store.AddItemParams{ ID: int64(c.Comment.ID), ItemType: store.Comment, UpdatedTime: c.Comment.Updated.ValueOrEmpty().Unix(), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error adding comment to the reply store").Err(err).Send() continue } } } // Get 20 of the newest posts from Lemmy posts, err := c.Posts(ctx, types.GetPosts{ Type: types.NewOptional(types.ListingTypeLocal), Sort: types.NewOptional(types.SortTypeNew), Limit: types.NewOptional[float64](20), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error getting comments").Err(err).Send() continue } for _, p := range posts.Posts { // Skip all non-local posts if !p.Community.Local { continue } edit := false // Try to get post item from the database item, err := rs.GetItem(ctx, store.GetItemParams{ ID: int64(p.Post.ID), ItemType: store.Post, }) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { // If the item doesn't exist, we need to reply to it, // so don't continue or set edit } else if err != nil { log.Warn("Error checking if item exists").Err(err).Send() continue } else if item.UpdatedTime == p.Post.Updated.ValueOrEmpty().Unix() { // If the item we're checking for exists and hasn't been edited, // we've already replied, so skip it continue } else if item.UpdatedTime != p.Post.Updated.ValueOrEmpty().Unix() { // If the item exists but has been edited since we replied, // set edit to true so we know to edit it instead of making // a new comment edit = true } body := p.Post.URL.ValueOr("") + "\n\n" + p.Post.Body.ValueOr("") for i, reply := range cfg.ConfigFile.Replies { re := cfg.Regexes[reply.Regex] if !re.MatchString(body) { continue } log.Info("Matched post body"). Int("reply-index", i). Float64("post-id", p.Post.ID). Send() job := replyJob{PostID: p.Post.ID} // If edit is set to true, we need to edit the comment, // so set the job's EditID so the reply worker knows which // comment to edit if edit { job.EditID = float64(item.ReplyID) } matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(body, -1) job.Content, err = executeTmpl(cfg.Tmpls[reply.Regex], TmplContext{ Matches: toSubmatches(matches), Type: "post", }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while executing template").Err(err).Send() continue } replyCh <- job // Add the reply to the database so we don't reply to it // again if we encounter it again err = rs.AddItem(ctx, store.AddItemParams{ ID: int64(p.Post.ID), ItemType: store.Post, UpdatedTime: p.Post.Updated.ValueOrEmpty().Unix(), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error adding post to the reply store").Err(err).Send() continue } } } case <-ctx.Done(): return } } } type replyJob struct { Content string CommentID types.Optional[float64] EditID float64 PostID float64 } func commentReplyWorker(ctx context.Context, c *lemmy.Client, rs *store.Queries, ch <-chan replyJob) { for { select { case reply := <-ch: // If the edit ID is set if reply.EditID > 0 { // Edit the comment with the specified ID with the new content cr, err := c.EditComment(ctx, types.EditComment{ CommentID: reply.EditID, Content: types.NewOptional(reply.Content), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while trying to edit comment").Err(err).Send() continue } // Set the reply ID for the post/comment in the database // so that we know which comment ID to edit if we need to. err = rs.SetReplyID(ctx, store.SetReplyIDParams{ ID: int64(reply.CommentID.ValueOr(reply.PostID)), ReplyID: int64(cr.CommentView.Comment.ID), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error setting the reply ID of the new comment").Err(err).Send() continue } log.Info("Edited comment"). Float64("comment-id", cr.CommentView.Comment.ID). Send() } else { // Create a new comment replying to a post/comment cr, err := c.CreateComment(ctx, types.CreateComment{ PostID: reply.PostID, ParentID: reply.CommentID, Content: reply.Content, }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error while trying to create new comment").Err(err).Send() continue } // Set the reply ID for the post/comment in the database // so that we know which comment ID to edit if we need to. err = rs.SetReplyID(ctx, store.SetReplyIDParams{ ID: int64(reply.CommentID.ValueOr(reply.PostID)), ReplyID: int64(cr.CommentView.Comment.ID), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error setting the reply ID of the new comment").Err(err).Send() continue } log.Info("Created new comment"). Float64("post-id", reply.PostID). Float64("parent-id", reply.CommentID.ValueOr(-1)). Float64("comment-id", cr.CommentView.Comment.ID). Send() } case <-ctx.Done(): return } } } func executeTmpl(tmpl *template.Template, tc TmplContext) (string, error) { sb := &strings.Builder{} err := tmpl.Execute(sb, tc) return sb.String(), err } // toSubmatches converts matches coming from PCRE2 to a // submatch array used for the template func toSubmatches(s [][]string) []Submatches { // Unfortunately, Go doesn't allow for this conversion // even though the memory layout is identical and it's // safe, so it is done using unsafe pointer magic return *(*[]Submatches)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) }