package main import ( "context" "os" "os/signal" "strings" "syscall" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func init() { log.Logger = logger.NewPretty(os.Stderr) } func main() { cfgPath := pflag.StringP("config-path", "c", "/etc/lemmy-reply-bot/config.toml", "Path to the config file") dbPath := pflag.StringP("db-path", "d", "/etc/lemmy-reply-bot/replies", "Path to the ChaiSQL database") pflag.Parse() ctx := context.Background() ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(ctx, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) defer cancel() err := db.Init(*dbPath) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error initializing database").Err(err).Send() } cfg, err := loadConfig(*cfgPath) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error loading config").Err(err).Send() } c, err := lemmy.New(cfg.File.Lemmy.InstanceURL) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error creating new lemmy client").Err(err).Send() } err = c.ClientLogin(ctx, lemmy.Login{ UsernameOrEmail: cfg.File.Lemmy.Account.UserOrEmail, Password: cfg.File.Lemmy.Account.Password, }) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error logging into lemmy").Err(err).Send() } log.Info("Successfully logged in!").Send() go poll(ctx, cfg, c) <-ctx.Done() _ = db.Close() } func poll(ctx context.Context, cfg Config, c *lemmy.Client) { for { select { case <-time.After(cfg.PollInterval): // Get 20 of the newest comments from Lemmy comments, err := c.Comments(ctx, lemmy.GetComments{ Type: lemmy.NewOptional(lemmy.ListingTypeLocal), Sort: lemmy.NewOptional(lemmy.CommentSortTypeNew), Limit: lemmy.NewOptional[int64](20), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error getting comments").Err(err).Send() continue } handleComments(ctx, comments.Comments, cfg, c) // Get 20 of the newest comments from Lemmy posts, err := c.Posts(ctx, lemmy.GetPosts{ Type: lemmy.NewOptional(lemmy.ListingTypeLocal), Sort: lemmy.NewOptional(lemmy.SortTypeNew), Limit: lemmy.NewOptional[int64](20), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error getting posts").Err(err).Send() continue } handlePosts(ctx, posts.Posts, cfg, c) case <-ctx.Done(): return } } } func handleComments(ctx context.Context, comments []lemmy.CommentView, cfg Config, c *lemmy.Client) { for _, comment := range comments { if !comment.Community.Local { continue } item, err := db.GetItem(comment.Comment.ID, db.Comment) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error getting comment from db").Err(err).Send() continue } edit := false if item == nil { // If the item is nil, it doesn't exist, which means we need to // create a new reply, so we don't set edit to true in this case. } else if item.Updated.Equal(comment.Comment.Updated) { // If the item exists but hasn't been edited since we've last seen it, // we can skip it since we've already replied to it. continue } else if item.Updated.Before(comment.Comment.Updated) { // If the item exists and has been edited since we've last seen it, // we need to edit it, so we set edit to true. edit = true } for i, reply := range cfg.File.Replies { re := cfg.Regexes[reply.Regex] if !re.MatchString(comment.Comment.Content) { continue } log.Info("Matched comment body"). Int("reply-index", i). Int64("comment-id", comment.Comment.ID). Send() matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(comment.Comment.Content, -1) content, err := executeTmpl(cfg.Tmpls, reply.Regex, map[string]any{ "id": comment.Comment.ID, "type": db.Comment, "matches": matches, }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error executing template").Int("index", i).Err(err).Send() continue } if edit { _, err = c.EditComment(ctx, lemmy.EditComment{ CommentID: item.ReplyID, Content: lemmy.NewOptional(content), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error editing comment").Int64("id", item.ReplyID).Err(err).Send() continue } log.Info("Edited comment").Int64("parent-id", item.ID).Int64("reply-id", item.ReplyID).Send() err = db.SetUpdatedTime(comment.Comment.ID, db.Comment, comment.Comment.Updated) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error setting new updated time").Int64("id", item.ReplyID).Err(err).Send() continue } } else { cr, err := c.CreateComment(ctx, lemmy.CreateComment{ PostID: comment.Comment.PostID, Content: content, ParentID: lemmy.NewOptional(comment.Comment.ID), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error creating reply").Int64("comment-id", comment.Comment.ID).Err(err).Send() continue } log.Info("Created comment").Int64("parent-id", comment.Comment.ID).Int64("reply-id", cr.CommentView.Comment.ID).Send() err = db.AddItem(db.Item{ ID: comment.Comment.ID, ReplyID: cr.CommentView.Comment.ID, ItemType: db.Comment, Updated: comment.Comment.Updated, }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error adding reply to database").Int64("id", item.ReplyID).Err(err).Send() continue } } } } } func handlePosts(ctx context.Context, posts []lemmy.PostView, cfg Config, c *lemmy.Client) { for _, post := range posts { if !post.Community.Local { continue } item, err := db.GetItem(post.Post.ID, db.Post) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error getting comment from db").Err(err).Send() continue } edit := false if item == nil { // If the item is nil, it doesn't exist, which means we need to // reply to it, so we don't set edit to true in this case. } else if item.Updated.Equal(post.Post.Updated) { // If the item exists but hasn't been edited since we've last seen it, // we can skip it since we've already replied to it. continue } else if item.Updated.Before(post.Post.Updated) { // If the item exists and has been edited since we've last seen it, // we need to edit it, so we set edit to true. edit = true } for i, reply := range cfg.File.Replies { re := cfg.Regexes[reply.Regex] content := post.Post.URL.ValueOrZero() + "\n\n" + post.Post.Body.ValueOrZero() if !re.MatchString(content) { continue } log.Info("Matched post body"). Int("reply-index", i). Int64("post-id", post.Post.ID). Send() matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1) content, err := executeTmpl(cfg.Tmpls, reply.Regex, map[string]any{ "id": post.Post.ID, "type": db.Post, "matches": matches, }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error executing template").Int("index", i).Err(err).Send() continue } if edit { _, err = c.EditComment(ctx, lemmy.EditComment{ CommentID: item.ReplyID, Content: lemmy.NewOptional(content), }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error editing post").Int64("id", item.ReplyID).Err(err).Send() continue } log.Info("Edited comment").Int64("post-id", item.ID).Int64("reply-id", item.ReplyID).Send() err = db.SetUpdatedTime(post.Post.ID, db.Post, post.Post.Updated) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error setting new updated time").Int64("id", item.ReplyID).Err(err).Send() continue } } else { cr, err := c.CreateComment(ctx, lemmy.CreateComment{ PostID: post.Post.ID, Content: content, }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error creating reply").Int64("post-id", post.Post.ID).Err(err).Send() continue } log.Info("Created comment").Int64("post-id", post.Post.ID).Int64("reply-id", cr.CommentView.Comment.ID).Send() err = db.AddItem(db.Item{ ID: post.Post.ID, ReplyID: cr.CommentView.Comment.ID, ItemType: db.Post, Updated: post.Post.Updated, }) if err != nil { log.Warn("Error adding reply to database").Int64("id", item.ReplyID).Err(err).Send() continue } } } } } func executeTmpl(ns *salix.Namespace, name string, vars map[string]any) (string, error) { sb := &strings.Builder{} err := ns.ExecuteTemplate(sb, name, vars) return sb.String(), err }