+++ title = "API" date = 2021-10-23T23:04:51-07:00 weight = 2 +++ This page documents the API of ITD's control socket. ## Request format Request sent to ITD's socket should be valid JSON with the following format: | Field | Type | |-------|------| | type | int | | data | any | Example: ```json {"type": 5, "data": {"title": "title1", "body": "body1"}} ``` Sends notification titled "title1" with a body "body1". --- ## Response format Responses received from ITD will be valid JSON and have the following format: | Field | Type | |--------|--------| | type | int | | value? | any | | msg? | string | | id? | string | | error | bool | (Fields marked with "?" may not exist in all responses) Examples: ```json {"type":1,"value":66,"error":false} ``` ```json {"type":6,"msg":"Data required for settime request","error":true} ``` ```json {"type":6,"error":false} ``` --- ## Requests This section will document each request type, its response, and what data it needs. ### Heart Rate The heart rate request's type is 0. It requires no data and returns a `uint8` in its value field. Example request: ```json {"type":0} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":0,"value":92,"error":false} ``` --- ### Battery Level The battery level request's type is 1. It requires no data and returns a `uint8` in its value field. Example request: ```json {"type":1} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":1,"value":65,"error":false} ``` --- ### Firmware Version The firmware version request's type is 2. It requires no data and returns a string in its value field. Example request: ```json {"type":2} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":2,"value":"1.6.0","error":false} ``` --- ### Firmware Upgrade The firmware upgrade request's type is 3. It requires data in the following format: | Field | Type | |-------|----------| | type | int | | files | []string | Example requests: ```json {"type": 3, "data": {"type": 0, "files": ["pinetime-mcuboot-app-dfu-1.6.0.zip"]}} ``` ```json {"type": 3, "data": {"type": 1, "files": ["pinetime-mcuboot-app-image-1.6.0.bin", "pinetime-mcuboot-app-image-1.6.0.dat"]}} ``` The paths need to be absolute. They are not absolute here as this is an example. Example response: ```json {"type":3,"value":{"sent":2800,"recvd":2800,"total":361152},"error":false} ``` Responses will be sent continuously until the transfer is complete. --- ### Bluetooth Address The bluetooth address request's type is 4. It requires no data and returns a string in its value field. Example request: ```json {"type":4} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":4,"value":"ED:47:AC:47:F4:FB","error":false} ``` --- ### Notify The notify request's type is 5. It reques data in the following format: | Field | Type | |-------|--------| | title | string | | body | string | Example request: ```json {"type": 5, "data": {"title": "title1", "body": "body1"}} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":5,"error":false} ``` --- ### Set Time The set time request's type is 6. It requires a string as data. The string must be a date and time formatted as ISO8601/RFC3339 or the string "now". Example requests: ```json {"type":6,"data":"2021-10-24T06:40:35-07:00"} ``` ```json {"type":6,"data":"now"} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":6,"error":false} ``` --- ### Watch Heart Rate The watch heart rate request's type is 7. It requires no data. It returns a uint8 as its value every time the heart rate changes until it is canceled via the cancel request. It also returns an ID for use with the cancel request. Example request: ```json {"type":7} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":7,"value":83,"id":"d12e2ec2-accd-400c-9da7-be86580b067f","error":false} ``` --- ### Watch Battery Level The watch battery level request's type is 8. It requires no data. It returns a uint8 as its value every time the battery level changes until it is canceled via the cancel request. It also returns an ID for use with the cancel request. Example request: ```json {"type":8} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":8,"value":63,"id":"70cce449-d8b8-4e07-a000-0ca4ee7a9c42","error":false} ``` --- ### Motion The motion request's type is 9. It requires no data. It returns data in the following format: | Field | Type | |-------|--------| | X | 1nt16 | | Y | 1nt16 | | Z | 1nt16 | The values will only update if the watch is not sleeping. Example request: ```json {"type":9} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":9,"value":{"X":-220,"Y":475,"Z":-893},"error":false} ``` --- ### Watch Motion The watch motion request's type is 10. It requires no data. It returns the same data as the motion request as its value every time the watch moves until it is canceled via the cancel request. It also returns an ID for use with the cancel request. Example request: ```json {"type":10} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":10,"value":{"X":-220,"Y":475,"Z":-893},"id":"d084789d-9fdc-4fce-878b-4408cd616901","error":false} ``` --- ### Step Count The step count request's type is 11. It requires no data and returns a `uint32` in its value field. Example request: ```json {"type":11} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":11,"value":1043,"error":false} ``` --- ### Watch Step Count The watch step count request's type is 12. It requires no data. It returns a `uint32` in its value field every time the step count changes until it is canceled via the cancel request. It also returns an ID for use with the cancel request. Example request: ```json {"type":12} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":12,"value":1045,"id":"54583e8f-80f6-45e3-a97f-b111defc0edc","error":false} ``` --- ### Cancel The cancel request's type is 13. It requires a string as data, containing the ID returned by a watch request. Once run, it will terminate the watch request, clean up anything it was using, and cause ITD to stop listening for its value from the watch. Example request: ```json {"type":13,"data":"54583e8f-80f6-45e3-a97f-b111defc0edc"} ``` Example response: ```json {"type":13,"error":false} ```