+++ title = "Home" date = 2021-10-23T00:11:38-07:00 +++ # ITD {{% notice warning %}} There is currently a bug in the bluetooth library used for ITD that will cause the following error when using BlueZ 5.62+: ``` MapToStruct: Field not found: MTU ``` This is mentioned in [an issue](https://gitea.arsenm.dev/Arsen6331/infinitime/issues/3). {{% /notice %}} ITD is a daemon written in Go that communicates with the [InfiniTime](https://github.com/InfiniTimeOrg/InfiniTime) firmware running on the [PineTime](https://www.pine64.org/pinetime/) smartwatch. ITD is meant to be fast and easy to use. As such, it is is only a single binary that works on all Linux systems since it is statically compiled and thus does not rely on any dynamic libraries. ITD comes with `itctl`, a binary that uses the provided socket to control ITD and, by extension, the connected watch. `itgui` is a gui frontend in ITD's repo. I do not compile it in CI as it requires OpenGL which makes cross-compiling a massive pain.