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917 B

package main
import (
// Function to dynamically execute template and return results
func dynamicTemplate(name string, data interface{}) (template.HTML, error) {
// Create new buffer
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
// Execute template writing to buffer with provided data
err := templates[name].Execute(buf, data)
if err != nil {
return "", nil
// Return results of template execution
return template.HTML(buf.String()), nil
// Wrap URL with proxy
func wrapProxy(url string) string {
// Encode URL with base64
b64url := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(url))
// Return /proxy/{url}
return fmt.Sprint("/proxy/", b64url)
// Function to get template function map
func getFuncMap() template.FuncMap {
// Return function map with template functions
return template.FuncMap{
"dyn_template": dynamicTemplate,
"proxy": wrapProxy,