package main import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" "os" "path/filepath" ) var rmBtns *fyne.Container func removeTab(window fyne.Window) *fyne.Container { // Use home directory to get various paths configDir := filepath.Join(home, ".config", name) iconDir := filepath.Join(configDir, "icons") // Create directories if they do not exist err := makeDirs(configDir, iconDir) if err != nil { errDisp(true, err, "Error creating required directories", window) } // Create new wrapping grid for remove buttons rmBtns = container.NewGridWrap(fyne.NewSize(125, 75)) // Refresh remove buttons, adding any existing SSBs refreshRmBtns(window, iconDir, rmBtns) return rmBtns } func refreshRmBtns(window fyne.Window, iconDir string, rmBtns *fyne.Container) { // Remove all objects from container rmBtns.Objects = []fyne.CanvasObject{} // List files in icon directory ls, err := os.ReadDir(iconDir) if err != nil { errDisp(true, err, "Error listing icon directory", window) } for _, listing := range ls { listingName := listing.Name() // Get path for SSB icon listingPath := filepath.Join(iconDir, listingName) // Load icon from path img, err := fyne.LoadResourceFromPath(filepath.Join(listingPath, "icon.png")) if err != nil { errDisp(true, err, "Error loading icon as resource", window) } // Create new button with icon rmBtn := widget.NewButtonWithIcon(listingName, img, func() { // Create and show new confirmation dialog dialog.NewConfirm( "Remove SSB", fmt.Sprintf("Are you sure you want to remove %s?", listingName), func(ok bool) { if ok { // Attempt to remove SSB err = removeSSB(listingName) if err != nil { errDisp(true, err, "Error removing SSB", window) } refreshRmBtns(window, iconDir, rmBtns) } }, window, ).Show() }) // Add button to container rmBtns.Objects = append(rmBtns.Objects, rmBtn) } // Refresh container (update changes) rmBtns.Refresh() } func removeSSB(ssbName string) error { // Use home directory to get various paths configDir := filepath.Join(home, ".config", name) iconDir := filepath.Join(configDir, "icons", ssbName) desktopDir := filepath.Join(home, ".local", "share", "applications") // Remove icon directory err := os.RemoveAll(iconDir) if err != nil { return err } // Remove desktop file err = os.Remove(filepath.Join(desktopDir, ssbName+".desktop")) if err != nil { return err } return nil }