• v0.0.4 552f19676b

    Version 0.0.4 Stable

    Elara6331 released this 2021-10-25 16:48:37 +00:00 | 202 commits to master since this release

    This release changes many things.

    First of all, I have figured out the issues with DFU. It turns out InfiniTime was sending responses a few milliseconds before I started waiting for them, causing itd to miss them. This release fixes that issue.

    Second, I have implemented the motion service coming in InfiniTime 1.7.0. This feature is not out yet in InfiniTime, so you will need to load a 1.7.0 test build on your PineTime to use it until 1.7.0 is released.

    There is now more comprehensive itd documentation at https://itd.arsenm.dev.

    The socket API was improved in this release and is now documented at https://itd.arsenm.dev/socket/.

    An API package was added to itd and both itctl and itgui were updated to use it. This means itgui can now work with only one socket connection, rather than at least two as it used before. It also makes it much easier to maintain as a change in the api package applies to both itctl and itgui.

    itctl now has the ability to watch values such as heart rate, battery level, step count, and motion. For example, itctl watch motion will keep printing the motion values continuously.
